To co-ordinate the day to day operations of the competition, the ITF Major Events Department carry out the decisions of the Board of Directors and the Billie Jean King Cup Committee and administer the arrangements for the competition.
The current Billie Jean King Cup Committee for the years 2024-2025, is as follows:
Ms Mary Pierce (FRA/BoD)
Ms Katrina Adams (USA)
Ms Natalie Dechy (FRA)
Ms Rebecca James (GBR)
Mrs Christiane Jolissaint (SUI)
Ms Ilana Kloss (USA)
Mr Raimondo Ricci Bitti (ITA)
Mr Horia Vlad Tecau (ROU)
Mr Nico Weschenfelder (GER)
Mr Xin Zhang (CHN)
Ms Joan Pennello (WTA – Observer)